The Best Productivity Hack for Working from Home during the Coronavirus

With the Coronavirus pandemic and shelter in place in full swing, working from home can be a tough one- especially when it comes to productivity.

With the fridge, your bed, and the t.v. all within reach- not to mention your loved ones and/or roommates around, PLUS no authoritative figure and coworkers in sight- it’s too easy to be distracted.

This is why I wanna introduce my FAVORITE and MOST effective productivity hack I’ve ever used (I even wrote about it in a blog post months ago).

Ladies and gents I give to you:

The Pomodoro Method

This is a complete game changer sis.

This method is used world-wide, and I honestly wish I would have ran into it sooner because I cannot stress this enough- it really works.

What is it?

“The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have—rather than against it. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are referred to as pomodoros.” 

Steps to Use the Pomodoro Method:

1- Write down your most important tasks and make them specific (for example: instead of writing “research hotels for vacation”, write down “Find 10 hotels and list prices”).

2- For each task on your list, dedicate 25 minutes to it.

3- Set a timer on your phone for 25 minutes.

4- During this 25 minute “productivity block”, silence your phone (DO NOT CHECK IT!), and cover the clock on your computer, and the clocks around your workspace.

This step is important, because it puts you into tunnel-vision for the task at hand, and you’re not distracted by constantly checking the time.

I put a post-it note over the clock on my computer like this:

5- During the 25 minutes, try as hard as you can to finish the task at hand within the time block, and if you finish it- feel free to move onto the next task.

6- Once your timer is done, take a 5 minute break. (i.e. walk outside, go to the bathroom, physically remove yourself from the area you’re working in— This step is important because you’ll be ready to take on the next 25-minute block with a fresh mind).

Now the Pomorodo Method says to do 4 blocks of these, and then at the end of the 4 blocks, take a 20 minutes break (again, away from the work area).

That’s it! That’s the method. If you follow the steps all the way through, I promise that after the first block, you’ll feel motivated and ready to take on any task thrown your way.

You guys, I swear by this method. Try it out and see how productive you are!

If you wanna learn more about it, watch this video [HERE].

If you loved this post, you’d love my [10 Ways to Protect Your Energy During the Coronavirus Pandemic] post!

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10 Ways to Protect Your Energy During the Coronavirus Pandemic

With the Coronavirus pandemic, have you felt something “off” in terms of your energy or vibe?

Are you not as stressed or panicked as everyone else, but you can literally feel the frantic energy in the air?

Have you been pretty optimistic, but still feel “heavy” amid the outbreak and don’t understand why?

There’s a reason for this.

  1. Energy is 100% contagious- we can literally absorb the fear in others. “Emotions can be contagious, so you can potentially ‘catch’ fear, anger or joy from people without realizing it.” [Judith Orloff MD]
  2. Constant consumption of bad news does indeed affect our mental health. “Bingeing on the news cycle can be bad for mental health. … “Our brain is predisposed to go negative, and the news we consume reflects this.” [Time Magazine]

In addition to these things, you may be an empath like me.

Empaths are “highly sensitive individuals, who have a keen ability to sense what people around them are thinking and feeling.”

I get more in detail about what an empath is in this blog post: [Are you an empath?]— you can save this read for later as this is a more generalized post about empaths!

With that being said, it’s so important to protect your energy (especially if you have or work with kids), so that we can go about this pandemic in a less worrisome manner.

Because during these trying times, we need to keep our lights shining- that’s what will get us through this.

Also with quarantine in full affect, taking care of our mental health should absolutely be a priority

I literally felt a shift in my energy last week and knew I had to do something about it before the weight of the world around me got heavier and heavier.

Here are some of the things I did that completely shifted (& continue to protect) my energy:

Limit my consumption of bad news

I unfollowed media outlets via email & social media.

By doing this, I controlled how much news I was consuming- I was checking the updates on my own terms instead of having it fed to me.

Take social media breaks

Okay I know during this time it’s hard to stay off social media, and I have never taken social media breaks before until this pandemic, but trust me- it works.

These breaks are obviously not a one-size-fit-all deal, so choose the length you feel is best.

Last weekend, I deleted all my social media apps & turned my phone notifications off for half a day (of course, I told those closest to me I was taking this break so they wouldn’t freak out).

I took a break for around 8 hours to recharge, but even just going for a few hours at a time will get you at a better head space!

Also, as of last week I have turned my notifications for my social media off completely- just like what I previously mentioned about controlling my consumption.

I’m normally the type that checks every notification as it pops up (I’m trying to be better at this), but for this season we’re in, I felt it was necessary because what word do you see immediately after opening up an app? “Coronavirus.”

Again, the recurring theme is “choice”- we not only have to choose what we take in, but when we do too.

Create boundaries with friends, family, coworkers about discussing the virus


“I actually don’t want to talk about the coronavirus right now”

“I appreciate how informed you are, but I don’t want to receive links to articles and media coverage at this time.”

Or simply mute group chats if the virus is the topic of discussion.

Personal example:

My family’s group chat is currently on mute because my mom freaks me out with how overly-cautious she is.

She sends me multiple updates a day and voices her concerns in a stressful manner, so I had to mute the chat for my sanity (if you’re reading this mom, sorry! Gotta protect my energy lol)

Meditate or practice mindfulness for at least 5 minutes PER day

Stretch, breathe (5 seconds in, 5 seconds out), read, color, paint- even going outside and naming the things you can hear, smell, see is a form of mindfulness.

I’ve been using the [HeadSpace app] for short meditations. This app can be used by absolute beginners by the way! It guides you every step of the way.

Don’t consume other people’s projections or fears and make them my own

I ask myself: “Does this emotion belong to me?”

Then, I say this out loud: “This negative energy is not mine. I am releasing it.”

There’s power behind your words yall.

Speak kindly to myself and to other people

I’ve been leading my actions and thoughts with compassion, and have been trying to use more positive words.

Some examples of positive words:

  • awesome
  • amazing
  • beautiful
  • exciting
  • giving
  • generous
  • glowing
  • flourishing
  • healing
  • great
  • graceful
  • growing
  • fun
  • impressive
  • lucky

Spend some time in sunlight


  1. The sun gives you positive mood swings– The sun helps release certain hormones that up your mood
  2. The sun provides some of the same effects of a workout– sun exposure increases the oxygen content in our blood
  3. The sun gives your immune system a boost– Skin reacts to the sun’s ultraviolet-B radiation by creating vitamin D

Stay away from people who drain my energy

Pay attention to your energy and how your body feels when you’re around a person/talking to a person.

If you feel “drained”, limit your time and contact with them.

You don’t have to tell them you’re distancing yourself, but just fall back a bit until you’re mentally ready to engage with them.

Also, stay away from complainers during this time. These are what I call “energy leeches”- they will literally suck the energy outta you.

If someone came to mind while you read those statements, chances are- they are an energy leech!


“A handy form of protection many people use, including health care practitioners with trying patients, involves visualizing an envelope of white light around your entire body. Think of it as a shield that blocks out negativity or physical discomfort but allows what’s positive to filter in.” [source]

This practice may seem silly, but visualization is a cognitive tool that can actually combat negative thoughts.

I use this tool for different aspects of my life and it really makes a difference.

For further reading, read here [GoodTherapy].

Indulge in uplifting content

My favorites:

  • Watching YouTube videos of Ellen’s inspiring videos (she literally has a playlist called “Inspiring Videos” on her channel!)
  • Watching funny movies
  • Watching “Soldiers coming home” videos (if you wanna cry! lol)
  • Family Feud

Just to throw a few out there 🙂

Those are the most effective tools I used this past week. I felt a literal weight lift from my shoulders and my mood is back to where it used to be before the pandemic.

One of my favorite quotes is “Ships don’t sink because of the water around them. Ships sink because of the water that gets in them.”

Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.

Protect that beautiful energy of yours sis! We need that the most right now!

If you loved this post, you’d love my[Self-Care: Setting Boundaries] post!

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Why Don’t Women Ask for Help? How to Fill Your Cup and Practice Self-Care

Even though I’ve probably heard the quote “You can’t pour from an empty cup” a thousand times, I find it more and more applicable to my life as I get older.

I can admit: over-extending myself was my toxic trait.

And the more women I talked to, the more I realized I wasn’t alone- despite being at different stages of their lives (married, unmarried, kids, no kids, younger, older)- we all had that in common.

It left me wondering: why are we so quick to run to a charger when our phones are at 2%, but when we need to recharge, we don’t act with the same urgency?

That’s where self-care comes in.

And no, I’m not talking about the bath bombs, manicures, and retail therapy- we’re going deeper.

The self-care practice no one talks about?

Asking for help. (including taking help when it’s offered)

I did a ton of self-reflection in the last year and took notice of how often I actually turned down help.

Then, following that awareness, I realized this habit was a form of self-betrayal– not the fact that I wasn’t creating boundaries with other people, but I wasn’t creating and respecting boundaries for myself.

When you create boundaries for yourself, you’re listening to your needs and then honoring them. That’s what true self-care is.

When I wasn’t asking for help, I was inadvertently ignoring my needs.

Here’s a list of personal examples, see if you can identify with any of them: 

  • When you’re setting up for a dinner or a party and someone offers to help- do you find yourself saying “Oh no don’t worry about it! I got it!”?
  • When you look at your to-do list and notice something on there that someone else (spouse, coworker, friend, child) can help you with, but you refuse to mention it to them because you don’t want to inconvenience/burden them?
  • Do you sometimes tell yourself that if another person does a task (or helps you with it) they won’t do it right so you might as well do it yourself? (Dismissing the fact that there is probably one small thing they can do to make your task less stressful?)
  • Do you sometimes decline help when someone asks, but then later do the task with resentment (maybe even glaring at the back of your partner’s head while doing it as if you have laser shooter eyes?)
  • Or how about at work- do you often tell yourself you rather do it on your own than put your pride aside and ask someone for a hand?
  • Have you chosen to blindly navigate through something you don’t understand instead of asking, at the risk of looking stupid?
  • Have you enthusiastically said “Yes!” to too many things, reached your limit, and then needed assistance with the workload but guilted yourself into doing it all by yourself because you said yes initially?

If you said yes to any of these, you’re probably thinking to yourself:

Why are we like this??

In short, most of us were raised to be the:

“Independent woman”- we’re taught to:

  • Be strong
  • Take care of ourselves
  • Depend on no one

We were also raised to be an “ambitious woman”:

  • Want more. Do more. Be more.
  • Keep pushing. Take on more roles, titles, responsibilities- you can do it!

& then the “nurturing woman””

  • Care for and help others
  • Be selfless
  • Give. And ask for nothing in return!
  • Be a mother, daughter, sister, wife, boss, friend- be everything to everyone
  • Carry our own baggage and help others with theirs

Because we were raised to be these things, it programmed us to feel weak and uncomfortable when we ask for help.

But what happens when we get past that uneasy feeling of asking for help?

These are the things that changed for me when I started asking:

  • I became more in touch with my own intuition, inner voice, and moral compass
  • I became a better decision-maker (questioned my decisions less)
  • I gained more self-respect and self-confidence
  • I acquired more time for myself and other things *I* wanted to do
  • I felt more deserving of things
  • I became less resentful
  • I felt less stressed/overwhelmed
  • Asking for help allowed other people to give me the gift of giving (something I so freely do for others)
  • I made deeper friendships/relationships (because I realized that people really do wanna help!)

Ways to Ask for Help

  • Can you give me a hand with this?
  • Could you help me for a second?
  • Can I ask a favor?
  • I can’t manage. Can you help?
  • Actually yes, I would love your help.
  • Give me a hand with this, will you?
  • Could you spare a moment?
  • I need some help, please.
  • Do you have any free time on __/at ___ (day, date, time)?
  • Do you know anything about ___?
  • I am having a problem with ___. Do you think you can help me?
  • If you don’t mind, I could really use your assistance with ____.
  • Is there any chance you have time to ____.
  • Could you please explain to me ____?
  • Can you show me how to ____.
  • If you don’t mind, I really need your help with ____.
  • I know you’re good at/with ____, and I could really use some help.

What NOT to do when asking for help:

  • Continuously apologize (“I’m so sorry to ask you for this, but…” “It’s terrible that I have to ask.” “I really should be able to do it myself, and I know you are so busy.” “I just really hate myself for asking.”)
  • Use disclaimers (“I’m not normally the type that asks for help…” “I wouldn’t ask you if I had a choice…” “I hate having to ask you for this…”)
  • Emphasize how much the other person will love helping you (“You’re gonna love it! It’s gonna be so much fun!”)
  • Try to make the favor seem insignificant (“Could you drop these contracts off at Suzy’s? It’s practically on your way home.” Or “Would you add these updates to the folders? It probably won’t take you more than five minutes.”)
  • Remind people that they owe you (“Remember that time I helped you move?”)


  • Express gratitude!


Studies have shown that “individuals underestimate the likelihood that someone will help them by as much as 50%, meaning that people are far more willing to help than we may assume.”– Do NOT be afraid to ask!

Asking for help is like a muscle-the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

Remember ladies, we were programmed to feel uncomfortable when asking. But the reality is- asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s actually a sign of strength, because it means you’re self-assured enough to know when you need to call for reinforcements.

It’s strength because you know what you need, and you’re allowing others to give it to you.

It’s strength because you’re making yourself a priority.

I challenge you to ask for help this week in any way, shape, or form- and then pay attention to how you feel afterwards.

Remember that self-care is not an expense- it’s an investment.

And when you invest in yourself, you overflow your cup– allowing your cup to be full while filling other cups, simultaneously.

It all starts with you.

If you loved this post, you’d love my [Period Productivity: How to Use Your Menstrual Cycle as a Productivity Tool] post!

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How Meditation Significantly Reduced My Stress

#DidYouKnow- Stress can literally kill your brain cells and even reduce the size of your brain? [Harvard Med School]

Stress continues to be a major health issue in America, with reports of one-third of adults having increased stress over the past year- and levels steadily rising.

I used to be a part of that one-third.

Between living in the Bay Area, having not one- but 3 side hustles, being an online entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and still making time to volunteer (and have a life sometimes)- stress was my middle name.

Stress was that annoying fly that’s stuck in your car after swinging your arms like Rocky Balboa for 15 minutes, looking like a madman until you finally give in and let it play tag with your forehead for the rest of your drive home. 

It was around so much, it eventually became a part of my daily routine.

It was until a friend asked me one simple question.

That question, single-handedly had stress penning a letter, packing its bags, and bidding its farewell before hitting the high road– only popping up from time to time, checking in to see if I’m really happy without them, like an annoying ex-boyfriend.

My friend asked:

“Have you tried meditating?”

The zen equivalent to– do you even lift bro?

In this post I’ll go over:

  • What meditation is
  • What it has done for me
  • The health benefits

What is meditation?

In simple terms, meditation is a mental exercise that involves relaxation, focus, and awareness.

How long do you meditate for?

Usually 5 to 10 minutes. On the app I use [Headspace], you can choose how long you wanna go for.

What if I don’t know how to meditate?

Honestly, I had NO idea how to meditate when I first started (which was a few months ago).

The app is perfect for absolute beginners- it guides you through the entire process!

What if I don’t have a place to meditate?

You can practically meditate anywhere!

Sitting in the driver’s seat of your car, in your room on your bed, your living room.

Before trying out HeadSpace, I thought I needed to be criss-cross apple-sauced on a yoga mat in a dim room with candles, but I was definitely wrong.

All you need is a quiet space!

Has it really helped with stress management?


When I’m feeling anxious, tense, worried (or all of the above), meditating restores my calm and grants me inner peace.

When my mind is racing with a hundred thoughts, it helps bring me back to center- and not just for the moment either. It helps me maintain my balance and manage my stress for the rest of the day.

“Meditation affects the body in exactly the opposite ways that stress does—by triggering the body’s relaxation response. It restores the body to a calm state, helping the body repair itself and preventing new damage from the physical effects of stress.” [Mayo Clinic]

It not only helps with stress in the moment and throughout the day, but practicing it regularly has significantly lowered the frequency of my feelings of stress.

And in the event that I do feel overwhelmed, the intensity is NOT nearly as close as how it used to be.

Other Benefits of Meditation include:

  • Improved immune function
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Reduced physical pain
  • Anti-aging
  • Increased optimism
  • Anti-depression
  • Improved sleep
  • Emotional stability
  • Increased “happy” hormones
  • Increased brain matter
  • Improved focus
  • Improved memory


So for those of you reading this and have never tried meditating- what do you say? What do you have to lose by giving it a try?

Inner peace is the new success yall.

Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak!

If you enjoyed this post, you’d love my [8 Daily Habits that Unknowingly Increase Your Anxiety & Stress] post!

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Tips on How I Completed a 21-Day Plant-Based Challenge as a Vegan Newbie

Just this past weekend, I successfully completed a 21-Day Plant-Based Challenge and I could not be more proud of myself!

Just a little background about myself: I love love love meat. I ate somewhat healthy here and there, as in: I ate salads, tried to opt for whole-grain as much as I can, didn’t really eat sweets.

But meat? I LOVED it.

I would often treat myself to all-you-can-eat buffets at Korean BBQ and go to TOWN- no sides, just straight meat.

As a matter of fact, I used to roll my eyes when anyone said they were a vegan (I’m so sorry but this is the truth!).

I mention all of this because if I- the carnivorous, slather cheese, butter, and anything that clogs my arteries- could complete the 21-day Plant-Based Challenge then you can too!

Here are the best tips I can give someone wanting to take on the challenge too!

Tips for Staying the Course

#1- Have a Plan

Plan your meals out ahead of time. I found that when my meals were already prepped, it reduced my desire to eat other things that weren’t plant-based.

Have a full list planned out before going to the grocery store, don’t shop aimlessly!

#2- Have an Accountability Partner(s)

Tell your close friends and/or partner about your goal, and ask them to hold you accountable.

I had a group chat with 3 other friends who were doing the plant-based challenge with me.

In this chat we held each other accountable, sent photos of our meals, encouraged each other, and even sent each other motivating quotes!

You don’t necessarily need to have someone join you, but it does help a TON when you have someone there to slap some sense into you when you reach for a slice of (non-vegan) pizza!

#3 – Get Clear on Your “Why”

Really dig deep to find the real reason you wanna do the challenge.

Try to avoid surface-level why’s like “I wanna lose weight”– but why exactly do you wanna lose weight?

Wanting to lose weight can have deeper, stronger desires such as:

  • I wanna be healthier so I can watch my kids grow old
  • I wanna have more energy at work/at home
  • Maybe a family member passed away from an unhealthy lifestyle and you wanna change the course of your life and make healthier decisions about food

(These are all my why’s by the way^)

Your “why” will be your north star throughout the challenge and will give you the most motivation to stay the course and hit your goal.

The more specific your “why”, the better.

And when you’re tempted or wanna give up, always go back to your “why”.

#4- Rid Your Home of the Foods That’ll Tempt You

Out of sight, out of mind. If they’re not within reach, you won’t be as tempted to break your commitment!

If I physically have to get up and get in my car, go to the store and buy chips, it would be easier for me to just say no and opt for a healthy snack that’s already in the kitchen.

#5- Set Up A Reward System

For example, at the end of the day if you ate everything plant-based, reward yourself with an episode on Netflix, or set a big prize at the end of the 21 Day Challenge- like a weekend getaway, a shopping trip, new shoes, anything!

#6- Surround Yourself with People That Have the Same Goal

Talk to your vegan friends or coworkers more during the challenge, ask other friends if they wanna do the challenge with you, follow not only Vegan Instagrammers, but vegan recipe pages as well- they even have vegan meme pages!

“One of the most effective things you can do to build better habits is to join a culture where your desired behavior is the normal behavior.”

Those are my best tips for those who wanna take on the 21-Day Plant-Based Challenge. I’ve had nothing but positive results at the end of mine, and I really hope to inspire others to take on the challenge themselves.

You can do it!

To read about my results of the challenge, click [HERE].

& if you enjoyed this post, you’d love my [8 Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants That are Hard to Kill] post!

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I was in the Newspaper Twice this Year: My Story of Inner Beauty vs Outer Beauty


I was in the newspaper twice this past year. One I announced, and the other I didn’t. 

The one I announced was in September, when I was the recipient of the 2019 Woman of the Year award by Women on the Rise. The other was in April, when I was given the title of the 2018 Miss Micronesian Beauty.

Side note: I realized that I haven’t done a personal post in a while, and this next year I’m gonna make it a priority to do more posts like these so that you guys can get to know me more!

Okay, back to the newspapers- I didn’t announce my Miss Micronesian Beauty award for this simple fact:

I am not proud of it.

The definition of proud is: “a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions”

And by winning an award for my appearance- what should I be proud of? What effort did I put in to receive this award? 

Now, don’t get me wrong- I was flattered to have been given this title.

But the thing about outer beauty is: People are born with it. 

I was born with the genes people find “attractive”. I did NOT work for my “beauty”– I was given it. Therefore, I cannot use the word proud to describe winning that title.

Ladies, I cannot stress this enough:

Your outer beauty is meaningless compared to your inner beauty.

Let me tell you a short story that made me come to this conclusion.

A little background: My mom comes from a line of pageant women, because- I’m not gonna lie to you- my grandma’s genes are poppin.

My mom was runner-up of the Miss CNMI (the group of islands I’m from) pageant and my grandma’s sister actually won Miss CNMI and went on to compete in the Miss Universe pageant in the 80’s.


My (grand) aunt:

Pageants were a family thing so naturally, when I was asked to compete, my mom encouraged me to participate.

When I was 14, I entered the Miss Teenage California Scholarship pageant in LA.

(I couldn’t find actual pics at the pageant, but this was me trying on my dress after it came back from the seamstress)

For those of you not familiar with pageants, each candidate has to raise a certain amount of money to participate.

To fundraise, I chose to sell pre-made cookies at the local community college by my house.

On the first day, my 14 year old, naive-self decided to sell these cookies in my normal school attire: sweats, athletic shoes, no makeup, and my hair tied back.

The entire day goes by, and I literally sold zero cookies….


I kept getting brushed off, people would cut me off in the middle of my spiel- “Hi! I’m fundraising for-NO THANK YOU

Some would even pretend to have tunnel-vision when walking past me, knowing I knew they could see me in their peripherals.

I left campus that day feeling discouraged.

I came home to my mom, defeatedly asking “How am I supposed to sell ALL these boxes?”

She replied, “How about this- you try again tomorrow. But this time, you do your makeup, wear your hair down, put on a dressy outfit. Go to that same spot.”

Not convinced of her point, I told her that wouldn’t work, and that I literally stood there all day with no bites.

“Just try it,” she insisted.

So I went back the next day, dolled up from head to toe, feeling like Beyonce in that Crazy in Love music video (you know, when she struts down an empty street with those denim shorts and a white tank?) Girl… Yes. I was her, she was me.

And you know what happened? Those cookies were selling like m-f’en HOT CAKES. 

People were ACTUALLY listening to what I had to say, they weren’t blowing me off. Some even took the time to sit down and ask about my goals for the fundraiser. 

….what a concept.

I sold a box of 100 cookies in ONE hour, and even had to call my mom up to bring the rest of the stash, because sis was a COOKIE CONNOISSEUR at this point.

You want cookies? I HAD EM.

By the end of the day, I hit my fundraising goal and I was SO proud. I even held the stack of money to my ear like I was some kind of rapper in a music video. 

When I got home, my mom sat me down and gave me one of the most important lectures of my life to date.

She said:

“I’m proud of you for hitting your goal. But I wanna leave you with a much more important lesson from this.

You only sold your cookies because you changed your outer appearance. People only gave you the time of day because you were attractive on the outside- nice hair, cute outfit, all dolled up.

Unfortunately, people out there are shallow.

They treat you nicely because you’re pleasing to the eye, but what if you’re not? Would you get that same treatment?

 You saw that answer just the day before, selling at that same spot and no one batted an eye. People walked passed you like you didn’t even exist.”

She continued,

“Asia… outer beauty fades. We’re human- our metabolism slows down, wrinkles form, our hairs turn gray.

You are beautiful, yes. But if we’re so focused on what we look like on the outside, what happens when that’s taken away? When it fades?

You know what doesn’t fade? What doesn’t change like your appearance?

Your humor. Your humility. Your compassion. Your patience. Your emotional intelligence. Your authenticity and honesty. Your courage. Commitment and consistency. Your desire to do better and BE better.

Everything that’s made from the heart.

THIS is why it’s important to strive for beauty that can be FELT, not beauty that can be seen.”

After she said that, it was like that scene from That’s So Raven where everything freezes and the camera closes in on her eyes, and she gets a vision.

I was woke.

Ever since that day, I did my best to focus my energy on becoming more beautiful on the inside, rather than out.

Ever since that day, I really wanted to develop my inner beauty and let it shine.

To wrap this post up, I will note that another important reason I really value inner beauty is because when my cousin died, I would often picture my own funeral in my head (by the way, people who’ve been through a loss will tell you that this is a common thing to do).

I would picture things like: who would be there, and more importantly, what people would say about me during my eulogy.

Ask yourself:

When you pass away, would it mean more to you if people at the podium said things like:

“She was so gorgeous, she had THE best hair. If she was walking down the street, she would catch the attention of anyone passing by, because she was SO stunning.”

Or would it mean more to you if people said: 

“She had the most beautiful heart. She was so kind. She uplifted the people around her. Her energy was contagious and she always went out of her way to make people smile.”

Ask yourself:

“What do I want people to remember me by? What legacy do I wanna leave behind?”

And then when you decide, put it into action.

Because intention is nothing without action.

The great Maya Angelou said,

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”

Harness the light from within yourself and share it with the world sis.

Last year, I was in the newspaper twice. One I announced, and the other I didn’t.

Now you know why.

If you enjoyed this post, you’d love my [Dear Mama: A Letter to My Mother and Her Words of Advice] post! Also, to access the newspaper articles (and other features), click [HERE].

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Goal Setting Worksheets

New Year, New Goals!

I made (3) goal planning worksheets you can print out to not only figure out what goals you wanna accomplish in 2020, but how to break them down into smaller, actionable steps to map your way to success.

These are the same worksheets I used for last year’s goals, so I’m excited to share them with yall.

Let’s make this year count!

Note: I print the 2nd and 3rd worksheets out in multiples- both for each individual goal I set in worksheet 1.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Success is not an action, but a habit.”

Download the worksheets here:

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Period Productivity: How to Use Your Menstrual Cycle as a Productivity Tool

When Etta James said “It’s a man’s world”- sis was speaking the truth… the unfortunate truth.

Us women have come a long way: from the days of not being able to vote or to even work- but we still have a long way to go. 

One of the reasons I say this is because today’s society is still modeled for male-dominance.

Case in point: work days.

“Men’s hormones follow a different pattern. They peak in the morning and gradually drop off over the day, reaching their lowest point at night. The next morning they peak again, and the whole male cycle starts afresh.”

This is where…


the 9-5 work day was born.

So in contrast, women are on a different timeline. Our hormones don’t change throughout the day like a man’s does.

Instead, our hormones take us on a roller coaster ride like Travis Scott did Kylie on his AstroWorld tour… but over a span of 28 days.


It all makes sense now, right?

This is why it’s so important to learn how to navigate through these hormone cycles and actually use them to our advantage– because the system wasn’t made for us.

When I read about all of this, I was WOKE. So now, I’m passing along the info so we can ALL be woke.

So we can fight back against this male-driven world, and put it back into the hands of the deserving:


Because when Etta James said it’s a man’s world? She followed it with “but it wouldn’t be nothing without a woman”– And that’s on PERIOD!

(See what I did there ;))

Get in loser, we’re going shopping fighting patriarchy!

Truth: “The menstrual cycle influences cognitive function and emotion processing. It impacts our ability to do our jobs by affecting our moods, energy levels, analytical and intuitive reasoning, and even memory.”

Hormones can sway us in different directions. We already know this from the side effects of birth control- loss of sex-drive, weight gain, mood swings.

For this reason, we have to be aware of a few things: the phases of your cycle, the hormones in each phase, and how to use them to our advantage in the workplace.

In this blog post, I’ll make a list of all the above, brought to you by the help of Dr.Kecia Gaither, Director of Perinatal Services at NYC Health & a double board certified physician in Ob/Gyn and Maternal Medicine.

I’ll walk you through everything so you can understand fully.

Okay, here we go.

So your menstrual cycle is made up of 4 different phases: menstruation, follicular, ovulation, luteal.

Below is a timeline of a 28-day cycle (notice how the different hormones fluctuate):

*Important Note: Day 1 of your 28-day cycle is the day you start bleeding.

Timing: This phase is known as the bleeding phase

Duration: 3 – 7 days long (your period length)

Hormones: Your estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest point in your cycle.

Which gives you: Low energy, reduced mental speed, and struggles with memory

This is the perfect time to: Create your to-do lists & plan for your upcoming phases, do some reflecting of the phases of your last cycle, course correct, evaluate, listen to that gut feeling

Not recommended: Over-booking yourself. Save social outings, big meetings, and important dinners for the next phase.

Timing: This phase occurs as your menstruation phase is winding down

Duration: Can last up to 10 days long

In this phase: Your uterus begins preparing once again for a potential pregnancy

Hormones: Your estrogen and testosterone are steadily increasing

Which gives you: A massive boost in energy leading towards ovulation, this is the “feeling great” phase

This is the perfect time to: Get big- set big meetings, plan client dinners, try something new/start new projects, tackle the hard to-do’s, push harder in your workouts, organizing/re-organizing

*Important note: I’ve included extra notes in the next phase so you know when you’re actually in Phase 3.

Timing: Approximately mid-cycle

Duration: 3 days

In this phase: An egg is released in hopes of being fertilized

Hormones: After ovulation, your peaking estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels all abruptly shift and decline before they increase more gradually (refer to graph!)

Note: These shifts in hormones can majorly affect your mood, causing extreme emotional and physical swings (both the highs and lows). But don’t worry, after a few days your estrogen rises a little again and it’ll give you a little boost in energy once more (& that’s when you know this phase is over)

Also note that: Biologically speaking- ovulation is a time you’re more open to “mating” (because the egg was released)

Which gives you: A boost of confidence, a feeling of agency over your life and when you feel ripe. High communication, collaboration, and verbal skills kick in

This is the perfect time to: Negotiate deals, work with your vendors, have important conversations, ask for a raise, go to networking events

Timing: Second half of cycle

Duration: Up to 12 days (longest cycle!)

In this phase: Physiologically, if you have not become pregnant, your uterus begins preparing to shed its lining (then you go back to phase 1 of menstruation).

Hormones: This is where your estrogen dips to an all-time low, and progesterone has dropped as well

Which gives you: The least amount of energy of the cycle, so you’ll feel sluggish and tired. You’re also more sensitive and emotional. Toward the end of this phase (week 4) is when many women experience PMS or PMDD

This is the perfect time to: Take on shorter, more easily accomplished tasks, take more self-care breaks, and (because the energy is low) rest up to prepare for the next cycle & phases. During this phase, you should tend to your administrative tasks, your accounting, submit your monthly reports, your expense reports, etc

Things not recommended: Scheduling any meetings that could test your patience

I hope that you guys found all this info helpful and that I’ve explained it well enough so that you can truly thrive in the workplace.

I know all of this may seem overwhelming, which is why I use the [Period Tracker] app. It helps me track where I’m at in my cycle.

By the way, this post isn’t a sponsored post. The app honestly does so much for me & I recommend it to everyone. It’s even rated a whole 5 stars from 62,000 users!

Here are some of the examples of what it does for you:

You can even log in your symptoms:

If you enjoyed this post, you’d probably love my [How to Ask for a Raise as a Woman & Why You Should] post.

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International Women’s Day 2019- Women CEO’s

international women's day

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8th every year. Originally a holiday in Soviet Russia, it is now celebrated on a global scale. On this day we reflect on progress, we call to action, we celebrate the strength and endurance of the women who paved the way for us.

In my welcome note I sent my email subscribers, I quote “Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.” Although the direction for this blog may seem new to people, over the past few years I’ve had so many women encourage me to take this route. Without that extra shove, I wouldn’t have created this platform to help others and for that I am grateful!

This is why I wanted to thank my subscribers! I’m gifting one of my current subscribers with a gift basket of goodies 100% made by women.

Did you know the Fortune 500 list only consists of 24 women? This is why we have to support our female counterparts. We are better when we stand together. Another woman’s success does not take away from your own- there is plenty of room for all of us.

Here is a list of products in the giveaway basket (including the links if you want to purchase them yourself). I also listed what makes the CEO/founder a bad ass!

-Item #1-

The Blender Defender [link]

international women's day

By Rea Ann Silva founder/creator

women ceo's

The BeautyBlender “egg” is a makeup STAPLE these days. Today, 17 sponges are sold every minute and over 325,000 YouTube videos have been created around the makeup tool. That makes this CEO a bad ass.

-Item #2-

The LipBar lipgloss [link]

international women's day

By Melissa Butler founder/creator

This line of vegan, organic, and cruelty-free lip products was actually started in her own kitchen (products were hand-made). She then took her idea to “Shark Tank” but was unfortunately laughed outta the room. Not taking that as a “no” though, she didn’t stop working on her craft and successfully made it to the shelves of Target- which proves you can’t stop a (bad ass) determined woman!

-Item #3-

Honest Beauty Magic Balm [link]

By Jessica Alba founder

The idea was sparked from her efforts towards safer products for children. Little did she know her start-up would land her on Forbes’ Richest Self-Made Women list with a whopping $1.7 billion valuation. Talk about bad ass!

-Item #4–

Anastasia Beverly Hills Pro Pencil Base [link]

By Anastasia Soare CEO/Founder

Soare moved to America in the early 90’s as an aesthetician. She ran into issues with her first employer when she tried to convince them that eyebrows were the most important part of the face. Unable to see eye to eye (see what I did there lmao), she left and started a business of her own- renting a small room in a salon. Now, she one of the biggest names in the beauty industry- working with the Kardashians and even Oprah, and currently holds the highest media value on Instagram. Bad. ass.

-Item #5-

Kate Spade Tumbler [link]

By Kate Spade founder

In 1992, Spade wanted to make her own handbags and turn a business out of it. She sacrificed a lot- even pulled funds from her 401k to pursue her dream. After 3 years of hard work, she was recognized by the Council of Fashion Designers of America. This led to her handbags being sold in Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus, which catapulted her brand into a household name. She was one hell of a woman, may her sweet soul rest in peace.

Just a side note: if you’re personally struggling these days, you are not alone. No matter how bad things are right now, no matter how stuck you feel, no matter how hopeless, you are not alone. I promise you won’t feel this way forever. Keep going.

That wraps up my list for bad ass women and their products to celebrate International Women’s Day!

For a list of additional companies owned by women, read this article [here]. I’m definitely gonna do more giveaways in the future- stay tuned!